ccc most important question - pdf download


CCC Model Question & Answer



Multiple choice Question

1.Which of the following is the largest unit of storage?

 (a) MB          (b) GB            (c) TB                (d) KB

2. What is the name of first super computer of india ?

(a) Saga 220   (b)  PARAM 8000  (c) ENIAC   (d) PARAM 6000

3. Which of the following memoreshas the shortest access times?

(a). RAM       (b). Blue Ray Disk     (c.)Cache Memory  ( d).Magnetic bubble Memory

4. DVD is based on.

(a). Magnetic Disk Technology   (b).USB Pen Technology  (c). Optical Disk Technology  (d). Media to store Video data only

5.Which one of these stores more data than a DVD?

(a). CD ROM            (b). Red Ray Disk    (c). Floppy    (d). Blue Ray Disk

6. .Which of the following is used for calculation work.

(a). CU                  (b). CPU      (c). ALU         (d). Mouse

7. .Which of the following is an output device?

(a). Light Pen       (b). Joystic             (c). Plotter   (d). Scanner

8. .Which of the following  devices can be used to input printed text ?

(a). OCR      (b). MICR    (c). OMR     (d). All of the above

9. A floppy disk contains.

(a). Circular tracks only         (b). Sectores only   (c). Both circular tracks and sectors   (d). None of this above

10. .Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read ands writes operation?

(a). ROM    (b). RAM    (c). EPROM          (d).  None of this above     

11.The most common pointing input device is –

A.. Track ball       B. Touch Pad       C. Mouse   D. Touch Screen

12. _____ is the result produce by a computer.

A. Data       B. Input      C. Output   D. Memory

13. Hard disk is coated in both side above-

A. Carbon Layer   B. Optical Metalic Oxide  C. Magnatic Metalic Oxide  D. All of the abive

14. Which type of storage device is a BIOS?

A. Primary B. Secondary       C. Tertiary D. Not a storage device

15. .Which of the following are latest IT Gadgets.

A. Both a & Both b       B. Drone camera          C. Pen with Camera D. None

16. .Which of the following is first super computer?

A. PARAM1000   B. CORE 17          C. CRAY-1   D. PARAM8000

17. Which component of computer is also considered as it Heart?

A. Monitor          B.Keyboard         C. Scanner                     D. Microprocessor

18. The most common input device used today is the.

A. Keyboard        B. CPU        C. System unit    D. Motherboard

19. The output devices make it possible to –

A. Input data       B. Storing data    C. Viewing and printing data         D. None of these

20.--is the high speed memory used in the computer.

A. RAM       B. BIOS       C. Hard disk         D. Cache

21.In computer terminology , information means –

A. Data only        B. The program   C. Alphanumaric data D. Data important & understandable

22. The set of processed data is called?

A. Data       B. Data processing       C. Database         D. Information


23. __ has a limitation that we can only information to it but cannot or modify it.

A. Tape Drive       B. CD ROM          C. Hard Disk        D. Floppy Disk

24. When a computer prints a report, this output is called..

A. Hard Copy       B. Soft Copy        C. Com       D. None

Answer sheet

1-    C    2- B    3- C    4- C    5-D    6- C    7- C    8- A    9- C    10- B    11- C     12- C            

  13- C   14- A    15- A   16- C   17- D   18- A   19- C   20- D   21- D   22- D   23- B   24 - A 


Each Statement Below Is Either True Or False

1.    A cookie can execute code on your computer.

2.    Hard disk can have more than two heads.

3.    Several windows can be opened at one time.

4.    We can access data randomly which is stored on magnetic tape.

5.    We can navigate all pages in Print Preview?

6.    ALU is used to store data.

7.    Smart Wactch 360 , google glass and drone camera are example of latest IT Gadgest.

8.    Information is carrid in data communication thosands of kilometres.

9.    A utility program is a type of system software that is used to perform a specific task to solve the common problems of software  and hardware.

10.     1Kilobyte is 1024 bytes.

11.    ALU is a part of CPU.

12.    A mouse comes with exactly three buttons.

13.    System bus is used to connect CPU to a central switch.

14.   To improve efficiency, servers normally store requested files in a cache in memory.

15.   With a single bit you can represent any two distinct items.

16.   The text editor is used to creat, modify and store atext file.

17.    RAM memory is non volatile memory.

18.  The decimal equivalent of (1101011)2 be 107.

19.     If a memory chip can store 100KB, it can hold approximately 100,000 bytes.

20.    An application receiving data is called client application.

21.     VDUs can be used both as an input & output devices.

22.    Before a disk can be used to store data. It must be formatted.

23.   A system can have more than one web browser installed at the same time.

24.    ALU contains CPU, memory boards, device boards, power pluge, etc.”

25.   Primary memory has higher storage capacity than secondary memory.

Answer sheet

1-    F    2- T    3- T    4- F    5- T    6- F   7- T    8- T    9- T    10- T   11- T    12- T    13- T    14- T    15- F   16-T    17- F   18- T  19- T   20- T   21- T   22- T    23- T   24- F   25- F


Memory Unit

4 Bit


8 Bit

1 Byte

1024 Bytes

1Kilobytes (KB)

1024 KB

1Mega Byte (MB)

1024 MB

1 Giga Byte (GB)

1024 GB

1Teta Byte (TB0

1024 TB

1Peta Byte (PB)





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