CCC Most Important Question 2023|| SpreadSheet(Excel)/| Computer Objective Questions||

Ø SpreadSheet(Excel)

Computer Objective Questions

1.Shortcut Key used for help.

a.  Ctrl+F1  b.F7

c.  F1      d.F2

2.Shorcut Key used for superscript LibreOffice Calc.

a.Ctrl+S   b. Ctrl+Shift+R

c. Ctrl+A  d.Ctrl+Shift+P

3.Output of the Calc expression is=100/10/2

a.20      b.5

c.100     d.25

4.The combination of the colum letter and row number for a cell in an Calc Spreadsheet is called.

a.Cell Identify b.Cell Reference

c.Cell across  d.Cell Identification Number

5.Number of Columns in LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet?

a.1024    b.210

c.1222    d.225

6.Number of Rows in LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet?

a.256     b.1,048,576

c.2,048,556   d.1212

7.Shortcut key used to increase width of current cell in LibreOffice Calc.

a.F3      b.Ctrl+F2

c.Alt+Right+Arrow d.F2

8.Reduce the cell width of the current cell.

a.Alt+Left arrow key b.F2

c.Alt+End            d.Ctrl+F2

9.Shortcut key used to decrese height of current row in LibreOffice Calc

a.Alt+up Arrow      b.Alt+End

c.Ctrl+F2         d.F4

10.Shortcut key for reach to last edit cell in LibreOffice calc?

a.Ctrl+End    b.Ctrl+Home

c.Ctrl+L       d.Alt+L

11.What is the maximum number of cell per spreadsheets in calc?

a.107377418224  b.1000

c.6000           d.1048576

12.Whatis the maximum number of characters in one cell in calc spreadsheet?

a.32767   b.1024

c.256     d.8000

13.Moves the cursor to the first cell (A1) in the sheet in LibreOffice.

a.Ctrl+F1     b.Ctrl+O

c.Ctrl+Home  d.Ctrl+End

14.Minimum zoom % in Calc is....

a.20%     b.25%

c.0%      d.10%

15.Shortcut key used to opens the Function Wizard in LibreOfficeCalc.

a.500     b.Ctrl+F2 

c.F1      d.Ctrl+F6

16.Key used to opens Manage Template in LibreOffice Calc.

a.Ctrl+ Shift+N   b.Ctrl+F1

c.Ctrl=O          d.Ctrl+V

17.Key used to Print a document in LibreOffice calc.

a.Ctrl+L   b.Ctrl+P

c.Ctrls     d.Ctrl+F1

18.Calc formula will start from which of the following symbol...

a.@       b.#

c.=        d.%

19.What is the maximum number of spreadsheets in Calc?

a.1000    b.32000

c.4000    d.255

20.What will result from adding =A1+A2 to Calc?

a.0       b.1

c.5        d.2

21.What is the shortcut of date in libreoffice calc.

a.Ctrl+D   b.Ctrl+:

c.None    d.Ctrl+D

22.Short cut used for print preview libreoffice calc.

a.Ctrl+F      b.Ctrl+shift+O

c.Ctrl+P       d.Ctrl+F1

23.How many spreadsheets on libreoffice calc by default?

a.1           b.3

c.0           d.4

24.Extension of libreoffice calc spreadsheets.

a. .ods       b. .xls

c. .com          d. .odp


True Or False

1.Calc is similar to microshoft excel, with almost the same abilities. =True

2.Sing=is mandatory befor any formula in calc. =True

3.You can use the delete key on your keyboard to delete content  from multiple cells at once. The backspace key will only delete one cell at a time. =True

4.=A1+10 displays the contents of cell A1+10 =True

5.Down arrow is used to moves the current field down one place in Libreoffice calc. =True

6.Calc in Libreoffice is called a spreadsheet? =True

7.Alt+down arrow is used to increases the height of current row in Libreoffice calc spreadsheet. =True

8.Shift+F11 is used to creates a document template in Libreoffice Calc spreadsheet. =True

9.shift+F1 is used to displays context help in Libreoffice Calc spreadsheet. =True

10.Nine menu are found in Libreoffice Calc. = False

11.Page down key is used to moves the viewabel rows down one screen. =True

12.You can write =A1*A2 for multiplying the value of A1 and A2. =True

13.Minimium font size is 6 in Calc. =True

14.F7 key is used for spell check in the currrent sheet. =True

15.Home key is used  to move the cursor to the first cell and End key is used to move last cellof the current row. =True

16.Find and replace option is found in Edit menu in Libreoffice. =True

17. Page up key is used to moves the viewabel row up one screen. =True

18.Maximum zoom % in calc is 400%=True

19.Ctrl+F1 is used to display comments that is attached to the current cell. =True

20.Ctrl+F2 shortcut key is used to insert function. =True

21.Ctrl+F8 is used to highlight cells containg numeric values. =True

22.F11 is used to opens the styles and formatting window in calc. =True

23.Ctrl+Shift+J is used for full screen mobe in LibreOffice Calc. =True

24.Ctrl+F7 is used to opens the Thesaurus if the currrent cell contains text. =True

25.Shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+C is used to insert comment LibreOffice Calc. =True

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