ccc Most important questions of ccc exam - Student Nielit) 

CCC तथा अन्य कम्प्युटर कौर्स (ADCA, DCA, DTP, etc ) आदि जैसे कम्प्युटर कोर्सेस मे पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न इसी बेस पर आते है | कम्प्युटर को बेहतर तरीके से चलाने

और कम्प्युटर मे कोई डॉकयुमेंट या कुछ नोटस बिना माऊस के बनाने के लिए SHORTCUT KEY की  जानकारी होना बहुत जरूरी होता है |

Word Processing [CCC]


Multiple choice Question

1. Key used to centered the text in LibreOffice writer.

a.     Ctrl+E            b. ctrl+ P               

c. ctrl+Z                  d. ctrl+O

2.Which function Key is used for spell check

a.     Ctrl+C                 b. Shift+C      

c. F7                          d. Ctrl+F7

3.     …….. Key is used to go to select to the beginning of the line in  LibreOffice writer.

a.Shift+C                 b.Ctrl+Home

c.Home+shift            d.Alt+Home

 4. .Key is used to go to beginning of the line in LibreOffice writer.

        a.Alt+Home                    b.Home

        c.Ctrl+Home                   d.Shift+Home

5.Alignment buttons are available on the toolbar of LibreOffice writer.

        a.Standard Toolbar           b.Status bar

        c.Formating Toolbar        d.None

6.Key used for Align right of the text in LibreOffice writer.

        a.Ctrl+M                        b.Ctrl+O

        c.Ctrl+p                          d.Ctrl+R

7.Which of the following is an example of open source software.

        a.MS Word                        b.Adope Photoshop

        c.Skype                             d.LibreOffice

8.Key used for align lift of the text in LibreOffice writer.

        a.Ctrl+M                      b.Ctrl+O

        c.Ctrl+L                        d.Ctrl+R

9.Which of he following shortcut Key is used for Save As.

        a.F7                           b.Shft+ Ctrl+S

        c.Ctrl+F7                    d.Ctrl+C

10.Short cut Key used to Open a document in LibreOffice writer.

        a. .Ctrl +O                    b. .Ctrl +P

        c. .Ctrl +F                     d. .Ctrl +V

11.Key used o open find dialog box in LibreOffice writer.

        a.Ctrl+T                       b.Ctrl+F1

        c.Ctrl+f                         d.Ctrl+O

12.Which is the type of page orientation.             

        a.Portrait               b.Side

        c.Both a&b         d.Landscape

13.Key used for Subsript the text in LibreOffice writer.

        a.Ctrl+Shift+P                b.Ctrl+F4

        c.Ctrl+O                       d.Ctrl+Shift+B

14.In Libreoffice writer which of the following shortcut is used to justify the document.

        a.Ctrl+P                       b.Ctrl+J

        c.Ctrl+O                     d.Ctrl+N

15.Key used for find and replace the text in LibreOffice writer.

        a.ctrl+O                       b.Ctrl+N

        c.Ctrl+H                    d.Ctrl+Z

16.What is the print preview shortcut key in LibreOffice Writer.

        a.Ctrl+o                       b.Ctrl+Shift+O

        c.Ctrl+F3                     d.Ctrl+N

17.Shortcut key usedto Go to start of document in LibreOffice Writer.

        a.Ctrl+M            b.Ctrl+N

    c.Ctrl+P             d.Ctrl+Home

18.What is the hyperlink shortcut key in LibreOffice writer.       

        a.Ctrl+H                       b.Ctrl+K

        c.Ctrl+L                       d.Ctrl+O

19.Shortcut key used for line break LibreOffice writer.

        a.Ctrl+M                     b.Ctrl+O

        c.Ctrl+V                      d.Ctrl+Enter

20.Minimum font size in LibreOffice writer.

        a.4                             b.3

        c.2                             d.1

21.Key used for exits appliations LibreOffice writer

        a.Ctrl+O                      b.Ctrl+Q

        c.Ctrl+F 3                   d.Ctrl+L

22.Key used to save a document in LibreOffice writer, Calc and Impress.

        a.Ctrl+S                          b.Ctrl+O

        c.Ctrl+R                            d.F5

23.Which one of the following shortcut key is used to insert a page break.

        a. Ctrl+S                            b.Ctrl+T

        c.Ctrl+N                            d.Ctrl+Enter

24.Maximum font size in libreoffice writer?

        a.44                                     b.22

        c.96                                      d.78

25.What do you see at the bottom of MS Word and Writer window?

        a.Menu bar                          b.Task bar

        c.Status bar                          d.Title bar





1. Font size cant be changed in LibreOffice writer. =F

2. In LibreOffice writer Ctrl+H is not used for find and Replace. =F

3. Ctrl+Z is used for undo the last action and Ctrl+Y is used for redo last action. =T

4. In LibreOffice writer Ctrl+J is not used to justify the document. =F

5. In LibreOffice writer Ctrl+S used to select all documents. =F

6. LibreOffice is an application software? =T

7. An email client is part of LibreOffice. =F

8.In LibreOffice MS Word is knowe as Writer. =T

9.LibreOffice replace MS Office as MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with Writer, Calc, Impress.=T

10.In Libreoffice writer Ctrl+X used to cut the selected elements in the documents. =T

11.Ctrl+Enter is not used to insert a Page break. =F

12.Minimum zoom percentage in LibreOffice writer is 20%. =T

13.Eleven menu are found in LibreOffice writer. =T

14.The Autocorrect can be used to correct common typing error automatically as you work. =T

15. In LibreOffice writer the process of merging the master documents and the data source in called as mail merge. =T

16.Bullets and numbering appears in the standard toolbar in LibreOffice writer. =F

17.In LibreOffice writer Ctrl +Shift+ B is used for subscript. =T

18.In LibreOffice writer Ctrl+2 used for Heading 2 paragraph style. =T

19.Shortcut  key Ctrl+1 is used for Heading 1 style in selected text. =T

20.Maximum zoom percentage in LibreOffice Writer is 600%. =T

21.LibreOffice has the ability to close Window by key ctrl+W. =T

22.Is there a job Ctrl+F in LibreOffice that is in MS Office? =T

23. In LibreOffice writer Shift+ Enter used line break without paragraph change. =T

24.Shift+Arrow Right is used to move cursor with selection to the Right. =T

25.In LibreOffice the word used Writer for word processing, Calc for spreadsheets, Impress for presentations, Draw for vector graphics and flowcharts, Base for database, and Math for formula editing. =T

26.Ctrl +V is used to paste from the clipboard in LibreOfice writer and impress. =T



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